Best Trendy Restaurants in NYC for a Unique Dining Experience

Best Trendy Restaurants in NYC for a Unique Dining Experience

Sep 11, 2024

New York City is renowned for its vibrant food scene, and for those seeking a dining experience that goes beyond the ordinary, the city offers a plethora of trendy restaurants that promise something unique. Whether it’s avant-garde cuisine, immersive environments, or extraordinary concepts,

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Five Key Facts About Refugees on World Refugee Day

Five Key Facts About Refugees on World Refugee Day

Aug 19, 2024

Each year on June 20th, World Refugee Day serves as a global reminder to honor refugees and displaced individuals who have had to flee their homes. At BRAC, we believe every refugee holds immense potential, though they often lack the opportunity to realize

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Quick Tips for Proper Body and Mind Nutrition

Quick Tips for Proper Body and Mind Nutrition

Aug 19, 2024

Quick Tips for Proper Body and Mind Nutrition There is a Greek proverb that says “A sound mind dwells in the sound body”. It goes without saying that in order for you to be successful, i.e.: perform at your best, and happy, you

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National Pumpkin Day: Top 5 Pumpkin Dessert Recipes

National Pumpkin Day: Top 5 Pumpkin Dessert Recipes

Aug 16, 2024

While pumpkin pie is a Thanksgiving favorite, today—October 26th—is National Pumpkin Day! Celebrate with some of our top pumpkin dessert recipes. We’ll kick things off with the classic pumpkin pie and then introduce some fun, pumpkin-infused twists on traditional treats. 1.Classic Pumpkin Pie

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Conflict, Refugees, and Hunger

Conflict, Refugees, and Hunger

Jul 29, 2024

As we mark World Refugee Day, it’s important to think about how conflict leads to hunger and how Christians are stepping up to help. Kamara Chance, a young woman from eastern DR Congo, fled to the forest with her family when fighting broke

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