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Change your life routine doing this!

Change your life routine doing this!

Jul 25, 2024

Figure 1 Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Wake up. Get ready. Go to work. Do house chores. Watch Netflix. Sleep. Repeat.

Sound familiar? Boring, mundane, dull, right? But whether we like it or not, this routine is how we spend the majority of our lives. No matter who you are—a broom sweeper or a billionaire—the routine is inescapable.

Instead of viewing it as a life sentence, change your perspective. Seeing it as a punishment will only make you miserable. Embrace your routine and make it better, more enjoyable. Here’s how:

  • Wake Up with Music: Start your day with a song that gets you energized.
  • Appreciate Your Body: Say “Thank you and I love you” to your body for getting you through another day.
  • Get Ready Like a Superstar: Dress and prepare as if you’re stepping onto a stage.
  • Work with Purpose: Approach your job as if the world economy depends on you.
  • Cook with Passion: Pretend you’re a top chef with magical culinary powers.
  • Relax Completely: Unwind as if you have no worries, stress, or tension in your life.
  • Sleep Like a Child: Rest deeply, like a four-year-old exhausted from a day of play.

Don’t spend 70% of your life just surviving the routine. Live every moment better, more interesting, and more fun than the last.

Fall in love with your routine before you fall out of life!

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